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Pekerjaan Online asbestos removal jobs saint vincent and the grenadines, Pekerjaan

2023-03-30 04:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Trophy icon Design the UX Interface for our AI Chat Web Application Berakhir left

We are creating an AI chat web application similar to ChatGPT, but with added features for entrepreneurs and marketers. Our goal is to make the interface as simple and easy to use as ChatGPT. Some of the features our app will have: - Hundreds of pre-written prompts for users to choose from (plus search) - Ability to save and delete chat history - Option to input text or use voice-to-text - Ability to switch between different AI personalities (e.g. SEO Expert, Content Creator) - Credit system where users have a limited number of chats per day Our brand color is #623ceb. We are looking for a designer to create an intuitive and visually appealing interface for our app. The winning design will be implemented in our final product. We don...

Figma Desain Grafis UI / User Interface UX / User Experience $269 (Avg Bid) Sorotan Bergaransi






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